About Ovivo
Ovivo is a powerful global brand that incorporates several world-renowned trademarks that represent expertise, innovation and customer service. Our global operations employ more than 1,000 water treatment experts around the world. Ovivo is dedicated to providing equipment, technology and systems that produce the purest water and treat the most challenging wastewater in the industry.
Explore our IndustriesDedicated to innovation in a constantly evolving industry
Ovivo is a world leader in water purification and treatment thanks to the incredible expertise, knowledge, proprietary products, and decades of experience within our organisation. Our experts can solve any water treatment issue in a sustainable, efficient and innovative way.
SKion Water: A global water and wastewater technology solution provider
Ovivo is owned by SKion Water, a global technology solution provider and plant manufacturer, supplying both municipal utilities and industrial water users. SKion Water is a subsidiary of SKion GmbH, the investment company of German entrepreneur Susanne Klatten. For more information about SKion Water, visit their website at www.skionwater.com/en/.

Our Mission
We provide sustainable and efficient water treatment solutions to our customers through expertise and innovation.
Our Vision
To be the preferred partner for those who value water as much as we do.