Boiler Feed Water Treatment Systems
Power Generation
The power industry requires significant volumes of water to produce electricity. It is a vital element in the industry’s processes, from cooling condensers to steam generation. Ovivo is one of the world’s leading suppliers of innovative high-efficiency water and wastewater treatment solutions.
See Our Technology SolutionsInnovative solutions for power generation
The global power sector is in the process of a monumental transformation. Changes in population size, urbanisation, transportation, and growth in the number of electrically powered devices in use, is resetting expectations of energy demand around the world. At the same time, the movement from carbon-based energy to renewable energy is changing the face of the industry. Cost effective and high-quality water production solutions for the power industry have never been more important and Ovivo is setting the standard.
Keeping pace with constantly evolving industry
Ovivo provides complete solutions based on robust and proven technologies with a focus on efficiency, reducing operating costs and the environmental impacts. We are a trusted partner in the power industry, providing innovative water treatment solutions from the earliest power stations to the world’s most advanced nuclear reactors, where integrity, safety and quality are paramount. Ovivo provides pre-engineered and customised solutions that can be tailored to the specific needs of each partner. Our dedicated and experienced teams will support your project from concept to delivery, including extensions, upgrades and servicing needs. Our solutions include:
Feed and steam systems:
· Pre-treatment of any grade of water (seawater, recovered wastewater to fresh water)
· Boiler make-up demineralisation plants and chemical conditioning
· Hydrogen Electrolyser feed water and polishing systems
· Condensate polishing with internal or external regeneration
Cooling water and condenser systems:
· Closed cooling circuit filtration
· Stopgates
· Band screens
· Drum screens
· Screen Raking machines
· Fish handling and deterrent systems
· Automatic tube cleaning systems
· Debris filters
· In-pipeline indexing filters
· Reactor primary & secondary coolant circuit filtration
Wastewater systems:
· Flue gas desulfurization (FGD)
· Neutralisation systems