Reactor Clarifier™ Solids Contact Clarifiers
Reactor Clarifier Solids Contact units provide the most economical solution for precipitation and clarification requirements. The simple design provides for coagulation, flocculation, high recirculation of solids and active sludge removal in a single tank.
Reactor Clarifier Solids Contact Clarifiers are ideal for softening, turbidity and colour removal in drinking water treatment as well as for heavy metal removal and biological tertiary treatment in wastewater treatment.
Reactor Clarifier Solids Contact Clarifiers design eliminates the need for multiple tanks and additional pipework, which saves space and reduces maintenance and operating costs. Some of their key features include:
- Reduced footprint
- Slow moving large-diameter turbine minimising floc shear
- High efficiency turbine for reduced energy input and optimised chemical usage
- Large diameter turbine producing high internal recycling rates
- Column or bridge supported
Ovivo is one of the world’s leading providers of large-diameter slow rotating drives, with over a century of industry experience. We specialise in producing long-lasting durable solutions, with trouble-free installation and limited maintenance. Our aftermarket support and customer service will ensure that the equipment continues to exceed expectations for its entire life.

Treatment chemicals are injected into raw water which is pumped into the clarifier’s centre mixing well where it comes into contact and is mixed with recycled chemicals and solids pumped from the sludge blanket by a large diameter turbine.
In a larger flocculation well, chemical reactions in the coagulated water form insoluble floc particles. These increase in size as they come into contact and adhere to one another. As the flocculation process continues, the particles grow heavy and sink toward the bottom of the clarifier forming a sludge blanket; the sinking floc will capture impurities in the raw water. Some of this sludge is recirculated to act as an aid for future flocculation processes and to reduce the consumption of new treatment chemicals. Clarified water rises to the surface outside the flocculation well and is transferred to the filter feed.
The flocculation well detains the flow to allow chemical reactions to mature before dispersing the mass along the clarifier floor below the well. It also provides the barrier between the downward flow of floc-laden water and the upward flow of clarified water.
The precipitated sludge settles to the tank bottom. A mechanical scraper at the bottom of the unit moves the sludge toward the sludge hopper and prevents the formation of shoals on the tank bottom. Surplus sludge is removed by opening the sludge blowdown valve, just outside the clarifier tank.