Biological Treatment
Biological treatment is at the heart of wastewater treatment processes. Ovivo has developed reliable biological treatment technologies for nearly a century. The variety of Ovivo’s biological systems allow process engineers to select the most sustainable and economic approach to treat virtually any type of wastewater.
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These days, a number of challenges are impacting the industry: communities require more water and energy conservation, discharge permits are becoming more stringent, existing infrastructure and equipment are ageing requiring affordable maintenance and digital upgrades, and climate change is bringing additional pressure to treatment plants. For all these new frontiers, Ovivo is ready to support partners with a comprehensive biological treatment portfolio and the expertise and commitment of our process engineers.
Almost all wastewater containing biodegradable constituents can be treated biologically. Biological treatment purifies municipal and industry wastewaters by using common bacteria and other microbes. This treatment approach has been successfully applied for over a century and is the most environmentally friendly and sustainable engineering practice to treat contaminated waters.
Ovivo’s portfolio of biological technologies includes aerobic and anaerobic treatment, suspended and attached growth systems, and flexible designs for ease of constructability. These technologies can be used for biological nutrient removal, sludge digestion, and for industrial wastewaters.
Biological treatment can also be integrated with Ovivo’s clarifiers or SiC membranes for a complete process solution. The control system is also an integral part of a biological system. Ovivo has state-of-the-art controls that enable plants to optimise the process, conserve energy, and allow remote monitoring.
New and exciting developments to improve biological treatment are constantly being researched and developed at Ovivo. Our goal is to enable utilities and industries to address industry challenges in a sustainable and cost-effective manner.