Water Nutrient Removal Solutions
High nutrient inputs can cause massive disruption to natural ecosystems, which can also impact human health and the economy. Ovivo has a range of systems that reduce nutrients to the lowest achievable limits and provide a dependable around-the-clock solution.
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High nutrients loads discharged into waterbodies can greatly disrupt the local ecosystem, damage aquatic life as as well as become harmful to humans.
Ovivo is committed to environmental responsibility and has developed a range of reliable equipment that can reduce nutrients to the lowest achievable limits. We offer innovative biological nutrient removal technologies as well as physicochemical treatment alternatives depending on the application and nutrient removal objectives. These nutrient removal technologies are optimized for low energy consumption, minimum chemical usage, where chemicals are necessary, and full connectivity with Ovivo experts.
Ovivo’s wide portfolio of nutrient removal technologies can serve multiple applications, including secondary, tertiary, side stream, and biosolids treatments. In addition, this portfolio enables our experts to evaluate different technologies and present the solution matrix with life cycle costs for evaluation by the design/owner’s team.
Many wastewater plants were not designed for nutrient removal. With more geographic expansion of nitrogen and phosphorus regulations including tighter limits, these plants face the need for upgrading of nutrient removal. Design teams across the country focus on implementing the right design strategy, ensuing that the correct piece of equipment is added through minimal construction. The Ovivo team has broad and long-term experience implementing nutrient removal in existing plants. Reliability, flexibility, and connectivity are the backbone of our nutrient removal technologies.