Biosolids Wastewater Management
The management of biosolids can be very comprehensive and Ovivo has a solution for almost every critical part of the process flowsheet, including anaerobic digestion, sidestream treatment, and aerobic digestion biosolids management.
See Related Products & TechnologiesAnaerobic & Aerobic Digestion
Biosolids management, treatment, and disposal poses a serious challenge for the industry, consisting of approximately 40 to 60 percent of capital and operating expenses for typical municipal wastewater treatment facilities. It is critical, therefore, for wastewater treatment facilities to find the most effective but cost-effective biosolids management solutions.
The two most common biosolids management systems are aerobic and anaerobic digestion. Ovivo offers complete front-to-end solutions for both types of systems and for many common biosolids management challenges.
Our solutions include the following features and benefits:
- Stringent Nitrogen and Phosphorus Limits
- Increased Disposal Costs
- Class B Stabilisation
- Nuisance Odours
- Increase O&M Costs
- Increase Capital and Installation Costs
- Footprint
- Limited Capacity
- Gas Production
Ovivo’s biosolids management and resource recovery offers a comprehensive range of solutions for aerobic and anaerobic digestion such as anaerobic digester mixing, anaerobic digester covers, sidestream treatment processes for Nitrogen and Phosphorus removal, and thickened aerobic digestion processes. These solutions feature processes and equipment that are easy to operate while reducing O&M, capital, and installation costs.
Benefits of Ovivo Biosolids management solutions
Each of our solutions are designed to include the following customer benefits when it comes to the overall management of biosolids:
- Outstanding treatment performance and stabilisation
- Minimised operating costs including reduced energy, chemicals, and disposal
- Anaerobic digester mixing and steel or membrane cover options to improve gas production, process performance, and reduce costs
- Sidestream treatment solutions offer optimal Nitrogen and Phosphorus removal
- Equipment and processes are easy to operate
- Minimised footprint reducing capital and installation costs
- Minimised nuisance odours
- Struvite removal
- Options available for Phosphorus recovery