Water Screening & Isolation Technology
A wide range of established water screening and isolation equipment to efficiently remove coarse and fine particles and prevent the clogging of downstream equipment for land drainage, cooling water and wastewater applications.
See Related Products & TechnologiesOver A Century of Experience Designing Water Intake Screening Equipment
Debris contained within water and wastewater intakes can lead to blockage and failure of essential downstream equipment. Ovivo offers a range of industry-leading pre-engineered and customisable screening and raking solutions for the separation of debris from water. These technologies are known for safeguarding marine life and the environment. Ovivo also offers a wide range of isolation equipment for the dewatering and maintenance of channel mounted equipment.
Brackett Green® Environmentally Friendly, Highly Reliable and Efficient Screening Solutions
With over a century of experience in the world’s most demanding power generation applications, each of our solutions are designed to include the following customer benefits:
- Brackett Green Market leading product range providing best available technology
- Extremely High Debris handling capacities
- Vast flow range and screen flow pattern configurations
- Marine Ecology sustainable designs
- Extensive range of Ancillary components (Stop gates, Penstocks, Raking machines, Fish Guidance systems)
- opsCTLRTM enabled for digital condition monitoring